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Peter G. Beidler

Peter G. Beidler

  • About Me

    Medical School: University of Washington

    University Name: University of Washington

    Major / Specialty: Bioengineering

    Degree(s): BS, Master of Applied Bioengineering (MAB)

    Scholarly Activity: My research interest is developing machine learning tools to aid clinical decision-making


    Medical Areas of Interest

    Trauma Surgery

    Interests & Hobbies

    Exploring Utah!!! I enjoy being an enthusiastic novice at just about every outdoor sport

    Why Utah?

    1) The operative experience here is unparalleled among academic surgery programs. 2) The residents here are incredible people, both as doctors and as friends and teammates. 3) Utah is one of few places where you can feasibly go skiing on a post-call day, trail running from the hospital parking lot, or ride your bicycle from home to some of the coolest mountains in the country


    Richland, WA, USA