Expectations for Mentor Connection Program
For Faculty
Mentor Expectations: As a mentor you should exhibit a passion for surgical education. Strive to be a positive role model to students and true ambassador to the profession of surgery. The best interest of the mentee should always be first and foremost in your mind as this relationship is predicated on developing the mentee’s strengths and achieving their goals. Be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses as a mentor. Be honest in your feedback without being judgmental or overly critical. Offer your knowledge, experience, and perspective to the mentee.
For Students
Mentee Expectations: As a mentee you should exhibit a true passion for learning about a career in surgery. Be proactive by initiating meetings with your mentor. Be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Develop specific objectives to achieve through the mentorship process. Your mentor will be able to best assist you if you are honest about your abilities and have prepared goals. Openness to feedback is essential. Demonstrate respect for your mentor by being engaged, showing up on time, following through with commitments, and expressing appreciation.