Clinical Program & Rotations
Residency Overview
Our goal is for you to develop into a complete, independent, safe general surgeon. As the only training program in the Intermountain West, one of our missions is to supply general surgeons for our region. Thus, our clinical program is not based on you completing a fellowship where you will learn to operate. It is based on you being well trained and ready for independent practice.
Our program uses four different facilities for training:
- University Hospital / Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI)
- George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VA)
- Primary Children's Hospital (PCH)
- Intermountain Medical Center (IMC)
Each of these locations uses the principle of progressive autonomy to achieve the above-stated goal of developing into an independent surgeon.
Residency by Year
This year is meant to be an introduction to general surgery in addition to the various specialties in general surgery. Most rotations are one month long. Rotations include:
- Acute Care Surgery (University for 1 month)
- Breast Health (University for 1 month)
- Burn Surgery (University for 1 month)
- Colorectal Surgery (University for 1 month)
- General Surgery (Intermountain Medical Center for 2 months)
- Minimally Invasive Surgery (University for 1 month)
- Pediatric Surgery (Primary Children's Hospital for 1 month)
- Surgical Oncology (University for 1 month)
- Thoracic Surgery (University for 1 month)
- Vascular Surgery (University for 1 month)
This year is based on critical care. These rotations are one or two months in length. Rotations include:
- Acute Care Surgery-PM (University for 2 months)
- Colorectal Surgery (University for 1 month)
- CVICU (University for 1 month)
- General Surgery (Intermountain Medical Center for 2 months)
- General Surgery (VA for 2 months)
- SICU (University for 1 month)
- Surgical Oncology (University for 1 month)
- Thoracic (University for 2 months)
This is a transitional year for the residency. On some of the services, you are the most senior resident, while on others you may be the only resident working one on one with faculty members. You will also participate in Endoscopy during this year. These rotations are one or two months in length. Rotations include:
- Acute Care Surgery (University for 2 months)
- CVICU (University for 1 month)
- Endoscopy (VA for 2 months)
- Minimally Invasive Surgery (University for 2 months)
- Pediatric Surgery (Primary Children's Hospital for 2 months)
- SICU (University for 1 month)
- Transplant Surgery (Intermountain Medical Center for 2 months)
You are now starting the senior years of the program. On every rotation, you are the most senior resident. There are still opportunities to work one on one as the only resident on a rotation These rotations are 1 and 2 months in length and include:
- Acute Care Surgery-PM (University for 2 months)
- Breast Surgery (University for 1 month)
- Elective (for 1 month)
- Endocrine Surgery (University for 2 months)
- General Surgery / Robotics (University for 2 months)
- General Surgery (Intermountain Medical Center for 2 months)
- Vascular Surgery (University for 2 months)
The Chief year is important in your development as a competent, independent general surgeon. You are expected to lead teams and care for the most complex patients in the hospital. It is here, in addition to some of the time during your PGY-4 year, where you refine all the skills you have acquired thus far in the residency. Rotations are 2 months in length and include:
- Acute Care Surgery (University for 2 months)
- Colorectal Surgery (University for 2 months)
- General Surgery (Intermountain Medical Center for 2 months)
- General Surgery (VA for 2 months)
- Minimally Invasive Surgery (University for 2 months)
- Surgical Oncology (University for 2 months)
DIRECTOR: Laura Lambert, MD, FACS
- Phone: 801-581-6803
- Email: gensurg-residency@hsc.utah.edu