Research Projects in Plastic Surgery
Faculty Research Projects
Cori Agarwal, MD
- Review article for Adolescent Transgender Surgery (with Dana Johns)
- Transgender (chest and face) chapter in Neligan book (with Dana Johns)
- Chest Masculinization Chapter, Atlas of Operative Techniques in GAS. Elsevier,
- Evaluation of QOL, mental health, gender dysphoria before and after medical and surgical interventions.
- Multi-Institutional Transregistry for gender affirming Vaginoplasty- Utah, OHSU, NYU
- Multi-Institutional study evaluating the value of standardized Peer Support in outcomes in gender affirming bottom surgery (STRIVE)
- Sperm Preservation Education, Protocols, and Best Practices for TransWomen undergoing hormonal or surgical transition, specific to FDA regulations
- Mood Disorders in Plastic Surgery Patients (with Cindy Matsen)
Jay Agarwal, MD
- Peripheral nerve regeneration in lab with rats
- DOD study with Wound VAC and percutaneous devices
- Bone scaffold- VA funded- need residents for surgeries
- Gilead grant- database for veterans with COVID and outcomes
Courtney Crombie, MD
- IRB bias on interview dates and correlation to rank list submission
- Fat grafting to the hand – hand Q before and after, one surgeon’s experience
- Disposable devise for measuring breast volume on surgical table and clinic, design, patent discussions
- Various opportunities update ICD-10 and CPT codes, plastic surgery specific smart phrases, notes and orders at VA
- Plastic Surgery advocacy paper
- Body Contouring after massive weight loss
- Google Trends Surrounding Plastic Surgery
Barbu Gociman MD, PhD
- Rabbit/ pig bone study using CT/3-D printing
- Basic science project- craniofacial non syndrome early mutation days after conception
- Use of Dermaclose in large pediatric wounds
- Modifications to the Whistle flap procedure for correction of secondary cleft lip deformities Milestones/timeline- abstract written and submitted to Mountain West
- A simple surgical solution for functional improvement of giant facial vascular malformation with lip involvement
- Frontofacial reconstruction technique modification with preservation of blood supply to the monobloc segment
- 2-Stage Premaxillary Setback and Primary Cheiloplasty Using a Custom Stabilizing Oral Splint Allows Safe and Extensive Primary Rhinoplasty
- Multimodal Management of Facial Keloid with Tissue Expansion, Excision, and Injection of 5-FU and Triamcinolone
- A simple surgical solution for functional improvement of giant facial vascular malformation with lip involvement
- Concomitant alveolar and hard palate cleft bone grafting technique
- Post Nasal Stents in cleft lip repair revisited
- Molding device for ear molding
Christopher Goodenough, MD, MPH
- Outcomes of nailbed repair
Isak Goodwin, MD
- Anatomical nerve study on glans penis for MTF bottom surgery
- The effect of fascial plication on intraabdominal pressure and lower extremity venous flow during abdominoplasty (bladder pressures?)
- Evaluation of Donor Site Morbidity in Radial Forearm Phalloplasty: Volume, POSAS, Q-DASH
- Transfeminine Gender Affirming Genital Surgery Revision Techniques
- Vaginal Preservation in Shaft-Only Phalloplasty: Y-to-V Advancement Technique for Clitoral Hood Redundancy and Reduction Labiaplasty
Greg Hobson, DO
- Review of COVID impact on breast reconstruction utilizing NSQIP data
- Case series of Fleur de Lis - DIEP autologous breast reconstruction
- Database review for revision rates for breast reconstruction, autologous vs implant based
- Lower Extremity database creation for outcome evaluation
- Review of tissue expander infections and their timing for pre pectoral no ADM reconstructions
- Standardization of antibacterial techniques for TE placement and following prospective Infectious outcomes
Dana Johns, MD
- Effect of preoperative education for Lefort I ostetomy with halo distraction on post operative pain control and patient/parent satisfaction (with Siddiqi/Gociman/Yamashiro)
- Prevalence of spontaneous bone formation after hard palate cleft repair
- Review article for Adolescent Transgender Surgery (with Cori Agarwal)
- Post Operative Nasal Stents after primary cleft lip rhinoplasty
- Another chapter with Dr. Cori Agarwal
Alvin Kwok, MD, MPH
- Randomized Feasibility Trial for Mesh in Pre-Pectoral Reconstruction
- Patient Focused Patient Education Video for Prescription Opioid Drug Use after Surgery (with Dr. Agarwal)
- Factors associated with free flap thrombosis following breast reconstruction
- Associations between SIEV and DIEV size and flap superficial dominance (with Dr. Hobson)
- CMS Medicare- Plastic Surgery Reimbursements over time
- Multi-institutional Breast Reconstruction Database (with Dr. Agarwal)
- All Payers Claims Database – Opioid related use (with Dr. Agarwal)
- MarketScan Database – Evaluating the number of revision surgeries after tissue based and implant based breast reconstruction (with Dr. Agarwal)
- HCUP Database – Evaluating the number of revision surgeries after tissue based and implant based breast reconstruction (with Dr. Agarwal)
- NCCPA (National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants) Dabatase – Characteristics of physician assistants in Plastic Surgery (with Dr. Agarwal)
- Utah All Payer Claims Database (APCD) longitudinal study, high-cost utilizers over time (with Dr. Agarwal)
- Outcomes of Lower Extremity Reconstruction using Free Flaps using HCUP data
W. Bradford Rockwell, MD
- Effect of abdominoplasty on gait and posture with Dr. Crombie
- Pachyonichia
- Arteriogram and anatomical comparison of hand blood flow in scleroderma patients.
- On line plastic surgery resident teaching curriculum for West Africa
- PhD level project for hand model, hopefully several papers with this-presented at engineering meeting in November – one article accepted
- Comparing Plastic Surgery training in US and Ghana- Moss working on it
Fatma Tuncer, MD
- Pilot study for prophylactic LVB in melanoma patients (Hyngstrom)
- Immediate Lymphatic Reconstruction for the Prevention of Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Preliminary Experience of a Single Center
- The Role of Biodegradable Temporizing Matrix (BTM) in Staged Reconstruction of Melanoma and Other Skin Cancer Defects (Asare)
- Qualitative analysis of American Indian perceptions of breast reconstruction
- Comparison of vasodilator effect of lidocaine and papaverine on human arteries. (Vascular research lab)
- The effect of immediate and video feedback on microsurgical skills acquisition
Duane Yamashiro, DDS
- Rescue - A Novel Pin-Retained NAM Expander
- Stage Premaxillary Setback and Primary Cheiloplasty Using a Custom Stabilizing Oral Splint Allows Safe and Extensive Primary Rhinoplasty