Cori A. Agarwal
- Creating a Space for Intersex Individuals in the Treatment of Differences of Sex Development. (Read full article)
Jayant Agarwal
- A tacrolimus-eluting nerve guidance conduit enhances regeneration in a critical-sized peripheral nerve injury rat model (Read full article)
- Physician Assistants in Plastic Surgery: A Descriptive Analysis Using the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants Dataset. (Read full article)
- An injectable oleogel-based bupivacaine formulation for prolonged non-opioid post-operative analgesia. (Read full article)
- Lasting Effects of Surgically Used Topical Vasodilators on DIEP Artery Vascular Function. (Read full article)
- Efficacy of sintered Zinc-doped fluorapatite scaffold as an antimicrobial regenerative bone filler for dental applications. (Read full article)
- A ropivacaine-eluting poly(lactide-co-caprolactone) wound dressing provided enhanced analgesia in partial-thickness porcine injuries. (Read full article)
- Outpatient Prescription Opioid Use following Discharge after DIEP Breast Reconstruction with and without an Educational Intervention. (Read full article)
- Association between blood markers and the progression of osseointegration in percutaneous prostheses patients-A pilot study. (Read full article)
- Associations with Discharge to Post-Acute Care Facilities Among Patients Undergoing Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures (Read full article)
- Sintered fluorapatite scaffolds as an autograft-like engineered bone graft. (Read full article)
- Outcomes after tissue expander exchange to implant in two-stage prepectoral breast reconstruction with and without acellular dermal matrix: A retrospective cohort study. (Read full article)
- A Novel Vascular Anastomotic Coupling Device for End-to-End Anastomosis of Arteries and Veins. (Read full article)
- Preoperative opioid use and its association with postoperative complications (Read full article)
- Lasting Effects of Surgically Used Topical Vasodilators on DIEP Artery Vascular Function (Read full article)
- An injectable oleogel-based bupivacaine formulation for prolonged non-opioid post-operative analgesia (Read full article)
- Effect of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, Lipid Composition, and Thermal Processing on the Physical Stability of Local Anesthetic-loaded Lipid Microparticles (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes between Unilateral and Bilateral Palatoplasty: Analysis of 2015-2020 Pediatric NSQIP Data. (Read full article)
- The Effect of Body Mass Index on Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- An Evaluation of Early Complications after Prepectoral Tissue Expander Placement in First-Stage Breast Reconstruction with and without Acellular Dermal Matrix. (Read full article)
- Scheduled Postoperative Ketorolac Does Not Decrease Opiate Use following Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Serum procalcitonin level is independently associated with mechanical ventilation and case-fatality in hospitalized COVID-19-positive US veterans-A potential marker for disease severity. (Read full article)
- Assessment of glyceride-structured oleogels as an injectable extended-release delivery system of bupivacaine. (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes Between Immediate, Delayed Immediate, and Delayed Autologous Free Flap Breast Reconstruction: Analysis of 2010-2020 NSQIP Data. (Read full article)
- Local delivery of FK506 to a nerve allograft is comparable to systemic delivery at suppressing allogeneic graft rejection. (Read full article)
- Masseter-to-facial nerve transfer for facial nerve reanimation (Read full article)
- Fluorapatite-Coated Percutaneous Devices Promote Wound Healing and Limit Epithelial Downgrowth at the Skin-Device Interface (Read full article)
- Comparison of Human, Porcine, and Bovine Acellular Dermal Matrix in Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction: A Scoping Review. (Read full article)
- The BREASTrial Stage III: Acellular Dermal Matrix Breast Reconstruction Outcomes from Three Months to Two Years Postoperative. (Read full article)
- Analysis of Readmissions and Reoperations in Pediatric Microvascular Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- The First FDA Approved Early Feasibility Study of a Novel Percutaneous Bone Anchored Prosthesis for Transfemoral Amputees: A Prospective One-year Follow-up Cohort Study. (Read full article)
- Characterizing the volume of surgery and post-operative complications during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read full article)
- Associations of discharge destination and length of stay in lower extremity free flap reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Case of testicular nonseminomatous germ cell tumor cancer soft tissue seeding after inguinal orchiectomy (Read full article)
- Evaluating the influence of particle morphology and density on the viscosity and injectability of a novel long-acting local anesthetic suspension. (Read full article)
- A preliminary, observational study using whole-blood RNA sequencing reveals differential expression of inflammatory and bone markers post-implantation of percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses. (Read full article)
- Hospitalization, Mechanical Ventilation, and Case-Fatality Outcomes in US Veterans with COVID-19 Disease between years 2020-2021. (Read full article)
- Characteristics of Nonelderly Adult Health Care Persistent Super Utilizers in Utah. (Read full article)
- Meshed Acellular Dermal Matrix for Two-Staged Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction: An Institutional Experience (Read full article)
- Impact of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy on Inflammatory Response, Neovascularization, and Capsule Formation of Acellular Dermal Matrix in Breast Reconstruction: Analysis of the BREASTrial Biopsy Specimens. (Read full article)
- Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flow-Through to Free Fibula Flap for Lumbar Spinal Reconstruction in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report. (Read full article)
- Free Vascularized Fibula Salvage of Failed CPH in Pediatric Sarcoma Patients (Read full article)
- Fluorapatite and fluorohydroxyapatite apatite surfaces drive adipose-derived stem cells to an osteogenic lineage. (Read full article)
- An Analysis of the Modified Five-Item Frailty Index for Predicting Complications following Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Radiation and Autologous Breast Reconstruction: The Role of Delayed-Immediate Reconstruction
- Use of Computer Tomography Imaging for Analyzing Bone Remodeling Around a Percutaneous Osseointegrated Implant. (Read full article)
- National Trends in Length of Stay for Microvascular Breast Reconstruction: An Evaluation of 10,465 Cases Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- Hand and wrist injuries among collegiate athletes vary with athlete division (Read full article)
- A Nationwide Analysis Evaluating the Safety of Using Acellular Dermal Matrix with Tissue Expander-Based Breast Reconstruction (Read full article)
- Patient-reported opioid use for tissue expander-based breast reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Compression of the vascular wall to create a friction fit in a vascular anastomotic coupler. (Read full article)
- Elective surgery resource utilization. (Read full article)
- Thermally tunable hydrogel crosslinking mediated by temperature sensitive liposome. (Read full article)
- Preoperative multimodal protocol reduced postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing mastectomy with reconstruction. (Read full article)
- The 5-Factor Modified Frailty Index as a Predictor of 30-day Complications in Pressure Ulcer Repair. (Read full article)
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Microvascular Surgery Patients Using Weight-Based Unfractionated Heparin Infusions. (Read full article)
- A population-based study of breast implant illness (Read full article)
- Modified Rotationplasty as a Composite Free Flap for Femur and Thigh Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Thirty-Day Outcomes following Upper Extremity Flap Reconstruction (Read full article)
- Optimal Dosing of Prophylactic Enoxaparin after Surgical Procedures: Results of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled FIxed or Variable Enoxaparin (FIVE) Trial. (Read full article)
- Coronavirus disease 2019 in veterans receiving care at veterans health administration facilities. (Read full article)
- Modeling diffusion-based drug release inside a nerve conduit in vitro and in vivo validation study. (Read full article)
- Second primary breast cancer after unilateral mastectomy alone or with contralateral prophylactic mastectomy. (Read full article)
- Entrapping bupivacaine-loaded emulsions in a crosslinked-hydrogel increases anesthetic effect and duration in a rat sciatic nerve block model. (Read full article)
- Biostable conductive nanocomposite for implantable subdermal antenna (Read full article)
- A Nationwide Analysis of Early and Late Readmissions following Free Tissue Transfer for Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Standard preoperative use of nonopioid multi-modal medications for patients undergoing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and the effect on postoperative opioid needs. (Read full article)
- Free tibia and fibula-fillet-of-leg flap for pelvic ring reconstruction: A case report. (Read full article)
- 2011 ACGME Duty Hour Limits had No Association With Breast Reconstruction Complications. (Read full article)
- Epidermal growth factor receptor genes are overexpressed within the periprosthetic soft-tissue around percutaneous devices: A pilot study. (Read full article)
- Evidence-Based Performance Measures for Autologous Breast Reconstruction: An American Society of Plastic Surgeons Quality Performance Measure Set. (Read full article)
- Topical Pergolide Enhance Corneal Nerve Regrowth Following Induced Corneal Abrasion. (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Common Plastic Surgery Operations Using the NSQIP and TOPS Databases (Read full article)
- Hand and Wrist Injuries Among Collegiate Athletes: The Role of Sex and Competition on Injury Rates and Severity (Read full article)
- Principles of Procedural Sedation and Local and Regional Anesthesia
- Evidence-Based Performance Measures for Autologous Breast Reconstruction An American Society of Plastic Surgeons Quality Performance Measure Set. (Read full article)
- Analysis of the Stomal Microbiota of a Percutaneous Osseointegrated Prosthesis: A Longitudinal Prospective Cohort Study. (Read full article)
- Glitazone loaded fat enhances adiponectin production and inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation. (Read full article)
- Local FK506 delivery at the direct nerve repair site improves nerve regeneration. (Read full article)
- Variables associated with 30-day postoperative complications in lower extremity free flap reconstruction identified in the ACS-NSQIP database. (Read full article)
- Abdominal Contouring and Male Gender: Analysis of Complications Using the National Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- Immediate Bilateral Breast Reconstruction Using Abdominally Based Flaps: An Analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database. (Read full article)
- Is release of the posterior lamella enough? A cadaveric exploration of posterior component separation techniques. (Read full article)
- A Dedicated Quarterly Research Meeting Increases Resident Research Productivity. (Read full article)
- Breast Implant Recall
- Incidence of complications following two-stage expander/implant breast reconstruction: The impact of cancer diagnosis in prophylactic mastectomy. (Read full article)
- Characterization and evaluation of fluoridated apatites for the development of infection-free percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Designing a Novel Drug Delivering Nerve Guide: A Preliminary Study (Read full article)
- Variables associated with length of stay in patients undergoing mastectomy and delayed-immediate breast reconstruction with tissue expander. (Read full article)
- Biomimetic coatings and negative pressure wound therapy independently limit epithelial downgrowth around percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- "Do women with breast implants have a higher risk of cancer?"
- Corrigendum to "Predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program study of 16,812 cases" [J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 72 (2019) 43-51]. (Read full article)
- Response to letter commenting on predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A national surgical quality improvement program study of 16,812 cases. (Read full article)
- A national analysis of readmissions for wound healing complications following the repair of lower back, hip, and buttock pressure ulcers using the Nationwide Readmissions Database. (Read full article)
- Abdominal Contouring and Male Gender: Analysis of Complications Using the National Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- Predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program study of 16,812 cases. (Read full article)
- Immediate Unilateral Breast Reconstruction using Abdominally Based Flaps: Analysis of 3,310 Cases. (Read full article)
- Porcine Acellular Peritoneal Matrix in Immediate Breast Reconstruction: A Multicenter, Prospective, Single-Arm Trial. (Read full article)
- Drug-delivering nerve conduit improves regeneration in a critical-sized gap. (Read full article)
- Complications and their associations following the surgical repair of pressure ulcers. (Read full article)
- Adequacy of Fixed-Dose Heparin Infusions for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention after Microsurgical Procedures. (Read full article)
- A Biodegradable Vascular Coupling Device for End-to-End Anastomosis (Read full article)
- Controlled release of FK506 from micropatterned PLGA films: Potential for application in peripheral nerve repair (Read full article)
- Operative Time and Flap Failure in Unilateral and Bilateral Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- The Impact of Once- versus Twice-Daily Enoxaparin Prophylaxis on Risk for Venous Thromboembolism and Clinically Relevant Bleeding. (Read full article)
- Twice-Daily Enoxaparin among Plastic Surgery Inpatients: An Examination of Pharmacodynamics, 90-Day Venous Thromboembolism, and 90-Day Bleeding. (Read full article)
- Reduction of the hypertrophic nipple using the crown flap technique (Read full article)
- Optimization of micropatterned poly(lactic-coglycolic acid) films for enhancing dorsal root ganglion cell orientation and extension (Read full article)
- Association between unilateral or bilateral mastectomy and breast cancer death in patients with unilateral ductal carcinoma (Read full article)
Erin E. Anstadt
- A Road Map to Creating a High-Quality Clinical Database in Plastic Surgery. (Read full article)
- CranioRate: An Image-Based, Deep-Phenotyping Analysis Toolset and Online Clinician Interface for Metopic Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Delayed Presentation of Unicoronal Craniosynostosis-Masked by Ipsilateral Posterior Deformational Plagiocephaly. (Read full article)
- Frontofacial Features of Unilateral Lambdoid Craniosynostosis: A Multicenter Assessment. (Read full article)
- Mandibular Measurements at the 20-Week Anatomy Ultrasound as a Prenatal Diagnostic Predictor of Pierre Robin Sequence. (Read full article)
- Quantifying the Severity of Metopic Craniosynostosis Using Unsupervised Machine Learning. (Read full article)
- Correction of Inverted Nipples with Fat Grafting: A Novel Technique for a Challenging Problem. (Read full article)
- Tissue Augmenting Palatoplasty for the Treatment of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency. (Read full article)
- Teaching the Furlow Palatoplasty to Medical Students: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Evaluating a Low-Fidelity Model. (Read full article)
- Pediatric Plastic Surgery Operating Room Block-Time Utilization: A Casualty of Illness. (Read full article)
- Characterization of the Saddle Nose Deformity Following Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery. (Read full article)
- Evaluation of a Simulation-Based Minielective on Medical Student Interest in Plastic Surgery. (Read full article)
- Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction Osteogenesis Utilizing a Posterior-Superior Distraction Vector in the Treatment of Mercedes Benz Pattern Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cleft Care. (Read full article)
- A Novel Frameshift Mutation in KAT6A Is Associated with Pancraniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Decompressive Cranial Vault Remodeling in Osteosclerotic Robinow Syndrome. (Read full article)
- Pediatric Mandibular Condylar Fractures With Concomitant Cervical Spine Injury: A Treatment Protocol for Prevention of Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis. (Read full article)
- Surgical Management of Hand Deformity in Epidermolysis Bullosa: Initial Experience and Technique. (Read full article)
- An Intraoperative Salvage After Transection of the Greater Palatine Artery During Cleft Palate Repair: A Case for Buccal Fat and Buccal Myomucosal Flaps. (Read full article)
- Early Posterior Vault Distraction Osteogenesis for the Treatment of Syndromic Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Neonatal Ear Molding: Timing and Technique. (Read full article)
- Epoprostenol Does Not Affect Mortality in Neonates with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. (Read full article)
Courtney H. Crombie
- Smartphone Use for Patient Photography by Plastic Surgery Trainees. (Read full article)
Barbu Gociman
- Penile Reconstruction in Aphallia: Modification of the De Castro Technique With Large Tissue Expander. (Read full article)
- Sports after single-suture synostosis surgery: a survey of Synostosis Research Group members. (Read full article)
- Pectoralis Major and Abdominis Rectus Musculocutaneous Flap Reconstruction for Sternal Wound Closure in Ectopia Cordis. (Read full article)
- Cleft Lip and Palate Correction: The Utah Protocol. (Read full article)
- Distraction Osteogenesis for Frontosphenoidal Craniosynostosis: a Novel Surgical Treatment Modality of a Rare Suture Fusion. (Read full article)
- Pediatric Mandibular Fracture Management: Intraoperative Thermoplastic Splint Fabrication and Circummandibular Wires, without Maxillomandibular Fixation. (Read full article)
- Modifications to the WHISTLE Flap Procedure for Correction of Secondary Cleft Lip Deformities. (Read full article)
- What to do with an incidental finding of a fused sagittal suture: a modified Delphi study. (Read full article)
- Early Results on the Efficacy of Demineralized Bone Matrix, Bone Morphogenic Protein, and Freeze-dried Bone Chips in Alveolar Cleft Repair. (Read full article)
- Novel Custom Maxillary Disimpaction Splint. (Read full article)
- A Simple Surgical Solution for Functional Improvement of Deforming Vascular Malformations with Lip Involvement. (Read full article)
- Modified Antia-Buch Flap Incorporating an Extended Temporal Scalp Incision. (Read full article)
- Multimodal Management of Facial Keloid with Tissue Expansion, Excision, and Injection of 5-FU and Triamcinolone. (Read full article)
- Masseter-to-facial nerve transfer for facial nerve reanimation. (Read full article)
- A Custom Stabilizing Splint for the Management of BLCP with Protruding Premaxilla. (Read full article)
- Frontofacial Reconstruction Technique Modification with Preservation of Blood Supply to the Monobloc Segment. (Read full article)
- Mandibular Myofibroma and Severe Trismus: A Complex Case and Review of Complications. (Read full article)
- Simultaneous Closure of the Cleft Alveolus and Hard Palate with Concomitant Bone Grafting. (Read full article)
- Severe Cherubism Treated with Curettage, Osteotomy, and Bony Repositioning: A Case Series of Three Patients. (Read full article)
- Multidisciplinary Presurgical Education: Clinical Impact on Children With Orofacial Clefts Undergoing Maxillary Distraction via Rigid External Distraction. (Read full article)
- Management of Large Pediatric Wound Defects Using a Continuous External Tissue Expander. (Read full article)
- Preoperative imaging patterns and intracranial findings in single-suture craniosynostosis: a study from the Synostosis Research Group. (Read full article)
- Management of sagittal synostosis in the Synostosis Research Group: baseline data and early outcomes. (Read full article)
- Optimal Dosing of Prophylactic Enoxaparin after Surgical Procedures: Results of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled FIxed or Variable Enoxaparin (FIVE) Trial. (Read full article)
- The Effects of Sequential Galeotomies and Galea Aponeurectomies on Scalp Flap Advancement. (Read full article)
- Serial Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction for the Treatment of Complex Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Alveolar Bone Graft Stabilization with Custom Maxillary Splints. (Read full article)
- Sinus Pericranii in Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction. (Read full article)
- Evaluation of the Patient-Practitioner Consultation on Surgical Treatment Options for Patients With Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Layered Closure of Lumbosacral Myelomeningocele Defects with Bilateral Paraspinous Muscle and Composite Fasciocutaneous Flaps. (Read full article)
- Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis in a Patient With Osteogenesis Imperfecta. (Read full article)
- Use of Bone Morphogenetic Protein in Pediatric Cranioplasty With Pre- and Postoperative Radiation Therapy. (Read full article)
- Is release of the posterior lamella enough? A cadaveric exploration of posterior component separation techniques. (Read full article)
- Use of BMP in Pediatric Cranioplasty With Pre and Postoperative Radiation Therapy. (Read full article)
- Variation in the management of isolated craniosynostosis: a survey of the Synostosis Research Group. (Read full article)
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Demineralized Bone Matrix and rhBMP-2 versus Autologous Iliac Crest Bone Grafting in Alveolar Cleft Patients. (Read full article)
- Modified Lefort Distraction Osteogenesis for the Treatment of Nager Syndrome-Associated Midface Hypoplasia: Technique and Review. (Read full article)
- Pyoderma Gangrenosum-like Wounds in Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency: Case Report and Review of Literature. (Read full article)
- Cherubism in a 4-year-old boy managed with tumor curettage, mandibular osteotomies and repositioning
- Successful reconstruction of bilateral oral commissure fusion secondary to Stevens Johnson syndrome
- The Benefit of a Formal Plastic Surgery In-Service Conference. (Read full article)
- Protection of the Temporomandibular Joint During Syndromic Mandibular Distraction With a Novel Condylar Offloading Device. (Read full article)
- Early Posterior Vault Distraction Osteogenesis for the Treatment of Syndromic Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Neonatal Ear Molding: Timing and Technique. (Read full article)
- Distraction Osteogenesis Technique for the Treatment of Nonsyndromic Sagittal Synostosis. (Read full article)
- Pancraniosynostosis following endoscopic-assisted strip craniectomy for sagittal suture craniosynostosis in the setting of poor compliance with follow-up: a case report. (Read full article)
Christopher Goodenough
- Impact of Cardiac Risk Factors in the Postsurgical Outcomes of Patients With Cleft Lip. (Read full article)
- Ulnar Artery Aneurysm as a Late Sequela of Marfan Syndrome. (Read full article)
- Paint It Blue: Methylene Blue in Burn Care. (Read full article)
- Cervical Spine Injuries in Pediatric Maxillofacial Trauma: An Under-Recognized Problem. (Read full article)
- Impact of Cardiac Risk Factors in the Postsurgical Outcomes of Patients With Cleft Palate: Analysis of the 2012-2014 NSQIP Database. (Read full article)
- Use of REBOA to stabilize in-hospital iatrogenic intra-abdominal hemorrhage. (Read full article)
- Ventral Hernia Repair: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. (Read full article)
- Ventral hernia: Patient selection, treatment, and management. (Read full article)
- Developing Useful Multivariable Models: In Reply to Xue and colleagues. (Read full article)
Isak A. Goodwin
- Masculinizing gender-affirming surgery for trans men and non-binary individuals: what you should know. (Read full article)
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Microvascular Surgery Patients Using Weight-Based Unfractionated Heparin Infusions. (Read full article)
- Infrapubic Insertion of Penile Implants in Transmen After Phalloplasty. (Read full article)
- Developing a Breast Reconstruction Program in a Resource-Constrained Ghanaian Teaching Hospital: Needs Assessment and Implementation. (Read full article)
- High-Fidelity Microsurgical Simulation: The Thiel Cadaveric Nerve Model and Evaluation Instrument. (Read full article)
- A Novel Technique for Microsurgery on Calcified Arteries: Venous Interposition Grafting. (Read full article)
- Fertility concerns of the transgender patient. (Read full article)
- High Fidelity Microsurgical Simulation: The Thiel Model and Evaluation Instrument. (Read full article)
- Vaginoplasty & Vulvoplasty: Educational lecture made into veido for nusing staff on hospital care of male to female gender affirming surgery.
- Complications and their associations following the surgical repair of pressure ulcers. (Read full article)
- Adequacy of Fixed-Dose Heparin Infusions for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention after Microsurgical Procedures. (Read full article)
- Phalloplasty: Educational lecture made into video for nursing staff on hospital care of transgender surgery patients undergoing female to male gender affirming surgery.
- Combining Breast Reduction Techniques to Treat Gigantomastia in Ghana. (Read full article)
- Novel drug delivering conduit for peripheral nerve regeneration. (Read full article)
- Fluoroquinolone-Associated Tendinopathy of the Hand and Wrist: A Systematic Review and Case Report. (Read full article)
- Thumb Reconstruction After Partial or Complete Amputation
- Postoperative Considerations after Phalloplasty for Transgender Men. A brief description of risks and postoperative management after phalloplasty
- Postoperative Considerations after Phalloplasty for Transgender Men. A brief description of risks and postoperative management after phalloplasty.
- National trends and complication rates after bilateral mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction from 2005 to 2012. (Read full article)
- Arterialized venous flow-through flaps in the reconstruction of digital defects: case series and review of the literature. (Read full article)
- Pancraniosynostosis following endoscopic-assisted strip craniectomy for sagittal suture craniosynostosis in the setting of poor compliance with follow-up: a case report. (Read full article)
Chelsea A. Harris
- American Surgical Association Presidential Session: Navigating the Collision of Corporate Medicine and Changing Workforce Expectations. (Read full article)
- Cultural Complications Curriculum: Applicability to Surgical Oncology Programs and Practices. (Read full article)
- Cultural Complications: A Novel Strategy to Build a More Inclusive Culture. (Read full article)
- Cultural complications: Why, how, and lessons learned. (Read full article)
- Follow the money: Investigating gender disparity in industry payments among senior academics and leaders in plastic surgery. (Read full article)
- The Glass Ceiling in Plastic Surgery: A Propensity-Matched Analysis of the Gender Gap in Career Advancement. (Read full article)
- A Practical Decontamination Framework for COVID-19 Front-line Workers Returning Home. (Read full article)
- Sex Disparity in Academic Rank and Industry Payments to Plastic Surgeons. (Read full article)
- Graduate perception of cosmetic surgery training in plastic surgery residency and fellowship programs. (Read full article)
- Not Further Specified: Unclassified Orthopedic Injuries in Trauma Registries, Cause for Concern? (Read full article)
- Investigating the Gender Pay Gap in Industry Contributions to Academic Neurosurgeons. (Read full article)
- Impact of Cumulative Corticosteroid Dosage on Preventable Hospitalization among Taiwanese Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. (Read full article)
- Editorial (Spring) Board? Gender Composition in High-impact General Surgery Journals Over 20 Years. (Read full article)
- The golden year: How functional recovery sets the stage for tendon transfer surgery among patients with tetraplegia-a qualitative analysis. (Read full article)
- Response: "Gender Fair Language Matters?". (Read full article)
- Understanding Patient Preferences in Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Surgery for Osteoarthritis: A Conjoint Analysis. (Read full article)
- Leveraging the Medical Context to Increase Upper Extremity Reconstruction Among Patients With Tetraplegia: A Qualitative Analysis. (Read full article)
- What is in a Pronoun?: Why Gender-fair Language Matters. (Read full article)
- Checkpoints to Progression: Qualitative Analysis of the Personal and Contextual Factors That Influence Selection of Upper Extremity Reconstruction Among Patients With Tetraplegia. (Read full article)
Gregory Hobson
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Breast Reconstruction: A Nationwide Analysis Utilizing NSQIP
- Comprehensive Treatment and Reconstructive Algorithm for Functional Restoration after Ballistic Facial Injury. (Read full article)
- Breast Implant-associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Affecting a Neosubpectoral Pocket. (Read full article)
Sujee Jeyapalina
- Fluorapatite-Coated Percutaneous Devices Promote Wound Healing and Limit Epithelial Downgrowth at the Skin-Device Interface
- Exploration of fluorapatite bio-ceramic thin film deposition by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (Read full article)
- A Dentist's Perspective on the Need for Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Reduce Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. (Read full article)
- Hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and case-fatality outcomes in US veterans with COVID-19 disease between years 2020-2021. (Read full article)
- A preliminary, observational study using whole-blood RNA sequencing reveals differential expression of inflammatory and bone markers post-implantation of percutaneous osseointegrated prostheses. (Read full article)
- Fluorapatite and fluorohydroxyapatite apatite surfaces drive adipose-derived stem cells to an osteogenic lineage. (Read full article)
- Characterization of porous fluorohydroxyapatite bone-scaffolds fabricated using freeze casting. (Read full article)
- Coronavirus disease 2019 in veterans receiving care at veterans health administration facilities. (Read full article)
- Evaluation of soft-tissue response around laser microgrooved titanium percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Epidermal growth factor receptor genes are overexpressed within the periprosthetic soft-tissue around percutaneous devices: A pilot study. (Read full article)
- Analysis of the Stomal Microbiota of a Percutaneous Osseointegrated Prosthesis: A Longitudinal Prospective Cohort Study. (Read full article)
- Variation in bone response to the placement of percutaneous osseointegrated endoprostheses: A 24-month follow-up in sheep. (Read full article)
- Influence of negative pressure wound therapy on peri-prosthetic tissue vascularization and inflammation around porous titanium percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Characterization and evaluation of fluoridated apatites for the development of infection-free percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Biomimetic coatings and negative pressure wound therapy independently limit epithelial downgrowth around percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Peri-prosthetic tissue reaction to discontinuation of negative pressure wound therapy around porous titanium percutaneous devices. (Read full article)
- Keratin nanomaterial coating limits epithelial downgrowth around percutaneous devices (Read full article)
- Development of small animal infection model for evaluating barrier properties of the epidermal seal against infection around the percutaneous implant systems – a pilot study (Read full article)
- A 24-month Evaluation of a Percutaneous Osseointegrated Limb-Skin Interface in an Ovine Amputation Model
- Osseointegration research (Read full article)
- Osseointegration
Dana N. Johns
- Advanced Management of Distal Lower Extremity Congenital Constriction Bands for Foot Salvage. (Read full article)
- Modifications to the WHISTLE Flap Procedure for Correction of Secondary Cleft Lip Deformities. (Read full article)
- Multidisciplinary Presurgical Education: Clinical Impact on Children With Orofacial Clefts Undergoing Maxillary Distraction via Rigid External Distraction. (Read full article)
- Serial Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction for the Treatment of Complex Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Improvements in Cleft Lip Aesthetics with the Fisher Repair Compared to the Mohler Repair. (Read full article)
- The Comprehensive AO CMF Classification System for Mandibular Fractures: A Multicenter Validation Study.
- Congenital Amniotic Constriction Band of the Pelvis: First Reported Case and Proposed Classification Criterion. (Read full article)
- Virtual Surgical Planning Decreases Operative Time for Isolated Single Suture and Multi-suture Craniosynostosis Repair. (Read full article)
- Anatomical Nasal Lining Flaps for Closure of the Nasal Floor in Unilateral and Bilateral Cleft Lip Repairs Reduce Fistulas at the Alveolus. (Read full article)
- Osseointegrated Prosthetic Ear Reconstruction in Cases of Skin Malignancy: Technique, Outcomes, and Patient Satisfaction. (Read full article)
Erinn N. Kim
- Implementation of Telehealth in a Pediatric Plastic Surgery Clinic: A Single Center's Response to COVID-19. (Read full article)
- Simultaneous Closure of the Cleft Alveolus and Hard Palate with Concomitant Bone Grafting. (Read full article)
- Multidisciplinary Presurgical Education: Clinical Impact on Children With Orofacial Clefts Undergoing Maxillary Distraction via Rigid External Distraction. (Read full article)
- Management of Tessier Type 3 Cleft With a Novel Reverse Palatal Expander. (Read full article)
- Alveolar Bone Graft Stabilization with Custom Maxillary Splints. (Read full article)
- Layered Closure of Lumbosacral Myelomeningocele Defects with Bilateral Paraspinous Muscle and Composite Fasciocutaneous Flaps. (Read full article)
- Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis in a Patient With Osteogenesis Imperfecta. (Read full article)
- Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome-Review of This Rare Disease. (Read full article)
Alvin C. Kwok
- Scheduled Postoperative Ketorolac Does Not Decrease Opiate Use following Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes Between Immediate, Delayed Immediate, and Delayed Autologous Free Flap Breast Reconstruction: Analysis of 2010-2020 NSQIP Data. (Read full article)
- An Evaluation of Racial Disparities in Online Marketing of Academic Plastic Surgery Practices. (Read full article)
- A Nationwide Analysis Evaluating the Safety of Using Acellular Dermal Matrix with Tissue Expander-Based Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Characterizing the volume of surgery and post-operative complications during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read full article)
- Comparison of Human, Porcine, and Bovine Acellular Dermal Matrix in Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction: A Scoping Review. (Read full article)
- Current Practices in the Pathologic Assessment of Breast Tissue in Transmasculine Chest Surgery. (Read full article)
- Analysis of Readmissions and Reoperations in Pediatric Microvascular Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Characteristics of Nonelderly Adult Health Care Persistent Super Utilizers in Utah. (Read full article)
- A Case for the Use of the 5-Item Modified Frailty Index in Preoperative Risk Assessment for Tissue Expander Placement in Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Use of post-discharge opioid consumption patterns as a tool for evaluating opioid prescribing guidelines. (Read full article)
- Hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and case-fatality outcomes in US veterans with COVID-19 disease between years 2020-2021. (Read full article)
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Microvascular Surgery Patients Using Weight-Based Unfractionated Heparin Infusions. (Read full article)
- Free Vascularized Fibula Salvage of Failed CPH in Pediatric Sarcoma Patients. (Read full article)
- Meshed Acellular Dermal Matrix for Two-Staged Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction: An Institutional Experience. (Read full article)
- Elective surgery resource utilization. (Read full article)
- National Trends in Length of Stay for Microvascular Breast Reconstruction: An Evaluation of 10,465 Cases Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- An Analysis of the Modified Five-Item Frailty Index for Predicting Complications following Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Patient-reported opioid use for tissue expander-based breast reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Radiation and autologous breast reconstruction: The role of delayed-immediate reconstruction (Chapter 97)
- The 5-Factor Modified Frailty Index as a Predictor of 30-day Complications in Pressure Ulcer Repair. (Read full article)
- A population-based study of breast implant illness. (Read full article)
- Optimal Dosing of Prophylactic Enoxaparin after Surgical Procedures: Results of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled FIxed or Variable Enoxaparin (FIVE) Trial. (Read full article)
- Coronavirus disease 2019 in veterans receiving care at veterans health administration facilities. (Read full article)
- Reply: Are 30-Day Outcomes Enough? Late Infectious Readmissions following Prosthetic-Based Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- A Comparison of Common Plastic Surgery Operations Using the NSQIP and TOPS Databases. (Read full article)
- A Nationwide Analysis of Early and Late Readmissions following Free Tissue Transfer for Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- 2011 ACGME Duty Hour Limits had No Association With Breast Reconstruction Complications. (Read full article)
- Breast cancer: current trends in screening, patient evaluation, and treatment (Chapter 58)
- Home Disposal Kits for Leftover Opioid Medications After Surgery: Do They Work? (Read full article)
- Immediate Bilateral Breast Reconstruction Using Abdominally Based Flaps: An Analysis of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database. (Read full article)
- Abdominal Contouring and Male Gender: Analysis of Complications Using the National Quality Improvement Program Database. (Read full article)
- Are 30-Day Outcomes Enough? Late Infectious Readmissions following Prosthetic-Based Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Variables associated with length of stay in patients undergoing mastectomy and delayed-immediate breast reconstruction with tissue expander. (Read full article)
- Response to letter commenting on predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A national surgical quality improvement program study of 16,812 cases. (Read full article)
- Corrigendum to "Predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program study of 16,812 cases" [J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 72 (2019) 43-51]. (Read full article)
- A national analysis of readmissions for wound healing complications following the repair of lower back, hip, and buttock pressure ulcers using the Nationwide Readmissions Database. (Read full article)
- Immediate Unilateral Breast Reconstruction using Abdominally Based Flaps: Analysis of 3,310 Cases. (Read full article)
- Predictors of complications following breast reduction surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program study of 16,812 cases. (Read full article)
- Complications and their associations following the surgical repair of pressure ulcers. (Read full article)
- An analysis of free flap failure using the ACS NSQIP database. Does flap site and flap type matter?
- Operative Time and Flap Failure in Unilateral and Bilateral Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Unplanned Readmission in Outpatient Hand Surgery: An Analysis of 23,613 Patients in the NSQIP Data Set. (Read full article)
- An analysis of free flap failure using the ACS NSQIP database. Does flap site and flap type matter? (Read full article)
- Unplanned reoperations after microvascular free tissue transfer: An analysis of 2,244 patients using the american college of surgeons national surgical quality improvement program database. (Read full article)
- Pedicled Retrograde Fibula Flap for Ankle Reconstruction after Oncologic Resection of the Distal Fibula. (Read full article)
- The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Flap Failure Data Are Inaccurate after 2010. (Read full article)
- Neonatal Ear Molding: Timing and Technique. (Read full article)
- National trends and complication rates after bilateral mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction from 2005 to 2012. (Read full article)
- Sustainability and long-term effectiveness of the WHO surgical safety checklist combined with pulse oximetry in a resource-limited setting: two-year update from Moldova. (Read full article)
- Development of a list of high-risk operations for patients 65 years and older. (Read full article)
Shaun D. Mendenhall
- Revision Surgery Following Primary Reconstruction for Hand Syndactyly. (Read full article)
- Contemporary Management of the Upper Limb in Apert Syndrome: A Review. (Read full article)
- Outcomes of Biodegradable Temporizing Matrix for soft tissue reconstruction of the hand and extremities
- Clinical and operative risk factors for complications after Apert hand syndactyly reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Return to Play in Youth Athletes: Role of the Radiologist with Focus on the Upper Extremity. (Read full article)
- Physeal Fractures of the Distal Ulna: Incidence and Risk Factors for Premature Growth Arrest. (Read full article)
- Improving Skin Paddle Reliability and Muscle Gliding in Free Functional Gracilis Transfers. (Read full article)
- Recent trends in hand surgery fellowship applicants and programs.
- Hand Transplantation in Children
- A New Source of Mutilating Hand Injuries: The Side-by-Side Utility Terrain Vehicle. (Read full article)
- Does Irreducibility Always Mean a Complex Dislocation? An Analysis of 33 Pediatric Metacarpophalangeal Joint Dislocations. (Read full article)
- Hand Surgeons' Understanding of Partial Hand Prostheses: Results of a National Survey Study. (Read full article)
- Wrist Level Tendon Repairs Utilizing a Novel Tendon Stapler Device: An Efficiency and Biomechanical Study. (Read full article)
- Learning Curve of Wrist-level Tendon Repairs Using a Novel Tendon Stapler versus Traditional Suture Methods. (Read full article)
- Recent Advancements in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Congenital Hand Differences. (Read full article)
- Reconstruction of the Hand and Nail Unit after Mohs Surgery
- From iron hooks to moving hands: The evolution of partial hand prostheses-a surgical perspective.
- An Evolution of the Surgical Management of Synpolydactyly: A Case Series of 21 Hands. (Read full article)
- Alternative Tendon Coaptations to the Pulvertaft Weave Technique: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Biomechanical Studies. (Read full article)
- Expanding Indications of the Medial Femoral Condyle Free Flap: Systematic Review in Head and Neck Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- The BREASTrial Stage III: Acellular Dermal Matrix Breast Reconstruction Outcomes from 3 Months to 2 Years Postoperatively. (Read full article)
- Reconstruction of a Near-total Scalp Avulsion with NovoSorb Biodegradable Temporizing Matrix: Pediatric Case Report. (Read full article)
- Current Treatment and Billing Trends of Postaxial Polydactyly Type B. (Read full article)
- Optimizing the Pulvertaft Weave Technique: A Comprehensive Systematic Review of Comparative Biomechanical Studies. (Read full article)
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Microvascular Surgery Patients Using Weight-Based Unfractionated Heparin Infusions. (Read full article)
- Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Case Report of a Nonreplantable Four-finger Amputation with Flap Coverage and Partial Hand Prosthesis Utilization. (Read full article)
- Free fibula flap thumb salvage after a gunshot wound: case report emphasizing the orthoplastic approach.
- Impact of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy on Inflammatory Response, Neovascularization, and Capsule Formation of Acellular Dermal Matrix in Breast Reconstruction: Analysis of the BREASTrial Biopsy Specimens. (Read full article)
- Targeted Muscle Reinnervation in Children: A Case Report and Brief Overview of the Literature. (Read full article)
- Wrist Pathology
- Technique for Rapid Hand Transplant Donor Procurement Through the Elbow. (Read full article)
- Optimal Dosing of Prophylactic Enoxaparin after Surgical Procedures: Results of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled FIxed or Variable Enoxaparin (FIVE) Trial. (Read full article)
- Restoring Form and Function to the Partial Hand Amputee: Prosthetic Options from the Fingertip to the Palm. (Read full article)
- Microsurgical Reconstruction for the Mangled Limb
- Measuring Functional Outcomes After Bilateral Vascularized Composite Hand Allotransplantation: A Report of 3 Cases. (Read full article)
- Orthopaedic Evaluation of the Lower Extremity and the Concept of the Orthoplastic Approach
- Hand and upper extremity transplantation: Surgical and therapy management
- Building a Hand and Upper Extremity Transplantation Program: Lessons Learned From the First 20 Years of Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation. (Read full article)
- Pediatric vascularized composite allotransplantation: What is the landscape for obtaining appropriate donors in the United States? (Read full article)
- Clinical Application of Mathematical Long Bone Ratios to Calculate Appropriate Donor Limb Lengths in Bilateral Upper Limb Transplantation. (Read full article)
- A Decade of Progress Toward Establishing Regional Hand Trauma Centers in the United States. (Read full article)
- A Review on the Orthoplastic Approach to Lower Limb Reconstruction. (Read full article)
- Preparation is the Only Shortcut You Need in Surgery: A Guide to Surgical Rehearsals for Hand and Upper Extremity Transplantation. (Read full article)
- The Chimeric Myo-Osseous Medial Femoral Condyle Flap for Tibial Nonunion: A Case Report. (Read full article)
- Prevalence and Distribution of Potential Vascularized Composite Allotransplant Donors, Implications for Optimizing the Donor-recipient Match. (Read full article)
- Hand Transplantation in the Rat: Technical Refinements of the Rat Forelimb Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation Model
- All Hope is Not Lost: Saving Limbs with the Orthoplastic Approach
- A Microbiological and Ultrastructural Comparison of Aseptic versus Sterile Acellular Dermal Matrix as a Reconstructive Material and a Scaffold for Stem Cell Ingrowth. (Read full article)
- Postsurgical Pyoderma Gangrenosum Following Carpal Tunnel Release: A Rare Disease Following a Common Surgery. (Read full article)
- The BREASTrial Stage II: ADM Breast Reconstruction Outcomes from Definitive Reconstruction to 3 Months Postoperative. (Read full article)
- Artery-Only Ear Replantation in a Child: A Case Report With Daily Photographic Documentation. (Read full article)
- Aseptic versus Sterile Acellular Dermal Matrices in Breast Reconstruction: An Updated Review. (Read full article)
- Osteosynthesis in Forearm Transplantation Using a Novel Ulnar-Shortening Osteotomy System for Simultaneous Both Bone Fixation
- Defining the Salvage Time Window for the Use of Ischemic Postconditioning in Skeletal Muscle Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. (Read full article)
W. Bradford Rockwell
- Surgical Management of Pachyonychia Congenita in a 3-Year-Old. (Read full article)
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Microvascular Surgery Patients Using Weight-Based Unfractionated Heparin Infusions. (Read full article)
- Investigating the effects of flexor tendon shortening on active range of motion after finger tendon repair. (Read full article)
- Optimal Dosing of Prophylactic Enoxaparin after Surgical Procedures: Results of the Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled FIxed or Variable Enoxaparin (FIVE) Trial. (Read full article)
- Developing a Breast Reconstruction Program in a Resource-Constrained Ghanaian Teaching Hospital: Needs Assessment and Implementation. (Read full article)
- Creating an Outpatient, Local Anesthetic Hand Operating Room in a Resource-Constrained Ghanaian Hospital Builds Surgical Capacity and Financial Stability. (Read full article)
- Direct Comparison of Patient-completed and Physician-completed Caprini Scores for Plastic Surgery Patients. (Read full article)
- Adequacy of Fixed-Dose Heparin Infusions for Venous Thromboembolism Prevention after Microsurgical Procedures. (Read full article)
- Salvage of Threatened Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices: Case Series and Review of Literature. (Read full article)
- The Impact of Once- versus Twice-Daily Enoxaparin Prophylaxis on Risk for Venous Thromboembolism and Clinically Relevant Bleeding. (Read full article)
- Twice-Daily Enoxaparin among Plastic Surgery Inpatients: An Examination of Pharmacodynamics, 90-Day Venous Thromboembolism, and 90-Day Bleeding. (Read full article)
- The Benefit of a Formal Plastic Surgery In-Service Conference. (Read full article)
- Inadequate Enoxaparin Dosing Predicts 90-Day Venous Thromboembolism Risk among Plastic Surgery Inpatients: An Examination of Enoxaparin Pharmacodynamics. (Read full article)
Robert M. Teixeira
- Following a Surgical Paradigm Shift Through the Adoption of Nerve Transfers Among Board-Eligible and Practicing Plastic Surgeons. (Read full article)
- Spare Part Reconstruction of Distal Pediatric Thumb Amputation
- Ischemic Volkmann Contracture From Intrauterine Compartment Syndrome
- Tendon Injuries
- Non-surgical Management of Complex Refractory Pyoderma Gangrenosum With Negative Pressure Wound Therapy With Instillation. (Read full article)
- Fingertip and Nail Bed Injuries
- Clinical and Financial Implications of Positive Margins After Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Resection: A Longitudinal Evaluation. (Read full article)
- Isolated Scaphoid Dislocation From Low-Energy Wrist Trauma
- Pyoderma Gangrenosum after Fat Grafting in Alloplastic Breast Reconstruction: An Unusual Outcome. (Read full article)
- Simultaneous Bilateral Patellar Tendon Rupture in a Young Adult Male: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. (Read full article)
- Improvement of Functional Outcome Via Supercharged End-to-Side Anterior Interosseous to Ulnar Motor Nerve Transfer: A Case Series
- Two-Tongued Cross-Finger Filet Flap Distal Digit Reconstructions Using Spare Parts After Multiple Distal Digital Amputations. (Read full article)
- Extrapleural Superficial Solitary Fibrous Tumor on the Posterior Shoulder: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. (Read full article)
Fatma Tuncer
- Outcomes after tissue expander exchange to implant in two-stage prepectoral breast reconstruction with and without acellular dermal matrix: A retrospective cohort study. (Read full article)
- An Evaluation of Early Complications after Prepectoral Tissue Expander Placement in First-Stage Breast Reconstruction with and without Acellular Dermal Matrix. (Read full article)
- AUTHOR REPLY. (Read full article)
- First Report of Testicular Replantation Following Wrong-Site Surgery. (Read full article)
- Skeletal and Dental Outcomes after Facial Allotransplantation: The Cleveland Clinic Experience and Systematic Review of the Literature. (Read full article)
- Square-root Palatoplasty: Comparing a Novel Modified-Furlow Double-opposing Z-palatoplasty Technique to Traditional Straight-line Repair. (Read full article)
- Management of Tessier Type 3 Cleft With a Novel Reverse Palatal Expander. (Read full article)
- Advanced Technical Pearls for Successful Supermicrosurgical Lymphaticovenular Anastomosis. (Read full article)
- The Effects of Sequential Galeotomies and Galea Aponeurectomies on Scalp Flap Advancement. (Read full article)
- Serial Posterior Cranial Vault Distraction for the Treatment of Complex Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Systemic blue hue after isosulfan use for lymphatic mapping in a case of metastatic melanoma excision. (Read full article)
- Alveolar Bone Graft Stabilization with Custom Maxillary Splints. (Read full article)
- Layered Closure of Lumbosacral Myelomeningocele Defects with Bilateral Paraspinous Muscle and Composite Fasciocutaneous Flaps. (Read full article)
- The tongue flap for large palatal fistulas, a success or a failure? Our 15-year experience. (Read full article)
- Clinical Anatomy of Submental Intubation: A Review of the Indications, Technique, and a Modified Approach. (Read full article)
- Maxillary Distraction Osteogenesis in a Patient With Osteogenesis Imperfecta. (Read full article)
- Anatomical Location of the Infraorbital Foramen in Infant Dry Skulls: Implications for Cleft Surgery. (Read full article)
- Use of Bone Morphogenetic Protein in Pediatric Cranioplasty With Pre- and Postoperative Radiation Therapy. (Read full article)
- Postoperative Ketorolac Administration Is Not Associated with Hemorrhage in Cranial Vault Remodeling for Craniosynostosis. (Read full article)
- Ischemic Preconditioning and Iloprost Reduces Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Jejunal Flaps: An Animal Model. (Read full article)
- A Comparative Clinical Study of Flap Thickness: Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flap Versus Anterolateral Thigh Flap. (Read full article)
- An anatomical variation of the MSAP flap: Single direct cutaneous perforator in the posterior calf region. (Read full article)
- Ameloblastoma in a Patient With Williams Syndrome and Use of Fibular Flap. (Read full article)
- Assessment of Tissue Perfusion Following Conventional Liposuction of Perforator-Based Abdominal Flaps. (Read full article)
- Oral Reconstruction Using Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flap in a Patient With Fanconi Anemia. (Read full article)
- Nasopharyngeal Placement of a Nelaton Suction Catheter in Respiratory Monitoring of Sedated Patients. (Read full article)
- Postauricular conchal chondrocutaneous sandwich flap for partial ear reconstruction. (Read full article)
- An Unusual Deformity of the Nose: Medial Crural Fracture. (Read full article)
- Acute Liver Failure and Hepatic Encephalopathy After Cleft Palate Repair. (Read full article)
- Intramasseteric Arteriovenous Malformation. (Read full article)
- Risk assessment for free tissue transfers: is old age a determining factor? (Read full article)
Laura E. Wong
- Patient Perceptions on Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Low-acuity Surgery During COVID-19 Pandemic. (Read full article)
- Artemin promotes functional long-distance axonal regeneration to the brainstem after dorsal root crush. (Read full article)
Duane K. Yamashiro
- Early Results on the Efficacy of Demineralized Bone Matrix, Bone Morphogenic Protein, and Freeze-dried Bone Chips in Alveolar Cleft Repair. (Read full article)
- Multidisciplinary Presurgical Education: Clinical Impact on Children With Orofacial Clefts Undergoing Maxillary Distraction via Rigid External Distraction. (Read full article)
- Simultaneous Closure of the Cleft Alveolus and Hard Palate with Concomitant Bone Grafting. (Read full article)
- Management of Tessier Type 3 Cleft With a Novel Reverse Palatal Expander. (Read full article)
- Alveolar Bone Graft Stabilization with Custom Maxillary Splints. (Read full article)
- Oronasal Fistula Risk After Palate Repair. (Read full article)
- Management of midnasal stenosis with infant surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (iSARPE). (Read full article)