Moonlighting is defined as professional and patient care activities that are external to the educational program. Urology residency is a full time responsibility. Activities outside of the educational program must not interfere with the resident's performance in the educational process.
The following statements have been issued to ensure that neither resident education nor patient care is compromised.
All moonlighting activities must be approved by the Program Director.
Because of the new ACGME work hours regulations, all "internal" moonlighting hours will be counted toward the 80-hour work week rule.
All moonlighting done by residents with the University Hospital System or one of the affiliated hospitals (VAMC, PCH, IMC) must be approved by the program director and a Moonlighting Authorization Form completed, a copy of which will be sent to the GME office.
If a resident chooses to moonlight, he or she is responsible for obtaining or verifying his/her own liability coverage. Even if this activity is being performed at the University, or an affiliated hospital, and/or additional compensation is being provided to the resident, it is outside the scope of a resident's duties as a house officer.
If moonlighting interferes with a resident's performance in a training program, as judged by faculty evaluations, this is a legitimate reason to require a resident to stop moonlighting.