Resident Selection
The Urology Residency Training Program at the University of Utah participates in the annual American Urological Association Residency Matching Program. Prior to October 1st, candidates (usually senior medical students) must submit a completed application, a personal statement, a record of Part I National Board Scores, at least two letters of recommendation (preferably from urologists or surgeons). A Dean's letter is also required, but this often appears during the month of November. Research experience as a student is requested with inclusion of any reprints of published papers. All applications are submitted through the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS). Promising candidates with completed applications are invited for personal interviews between October - December. Faculty and Residents participate in the interviews and candidate assessments. A slate of preferences is ultimately submitted to the AUA Office of Education in early January. The candidates also submit a preference list at about the same time. The actual match is performed by the AUA Office of Education and results of the Urology Residency Match are available in late January for those who will begin post graduate training in late June or early July.
The University of Utah School of Medicine does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, religion, color, national origin, disability, or veteran's status.
The University of Utah matches three residents per year to its urology training program through the National Urology Match.