The University of Utah’s Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery has received an International Cardiac Surgical Outreach Award through Edwards Lifesciences Foundation and the Thoracic Surgery Foundation.
How can physicians move toward an alternative mode of scholarship — one that’s still scientifically rigorous and peer reviewed but communicated in a more accessible manner? Cardiothoracic surgeon Tom Varghese...
How can physicians move toward an alternative mode of scholarship — one that’s still scientifically rigorous and peer reviewed but communicated in a more accessible manner? Cardiothoracic surgeon Tom Varghese...
Six years ago, when we started our annual symposium on cardiac recovery (U-CARS), we never expected it to be as successful as it is. We are now attracting a variety...
Six years ago, when we started our annual symposium on cardiac recovery (U-CARS), we never expected it to be as successful as it is. We are now attracting a variety...
Despite the therapeutic and medical advances to help failing hearts recover, the medical community remains divided on how different treatments affect the patient’s outcome. This is one of the many...
Despite the therapeutic and medical advances to help failing hearts recover, the medical community remains divided on how different treatments affect the patient’s outcome. This is one of the many...
I have been incredibly blessed in my life. My parents have been, and continue to be amazing role models. One of my Mom’s favorite sayings was, “Always seek and surround...
Tracee Bessinger thought it was a little strange when one day she ran out of breath walking from her bedroom to her bathroom. She figured maybe she was just out...
Tracee Bessinger thought it was a little strange when one day she ran out of breath walking from her bedroom to her bathroom. She figured maybe she was just out...
I have been incredibly blessed in my life. My parents have been, and continue to be amazing role models. One of my Mom’s favorite sayings was, “Always seek and surround...