Each year, about 200,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The condition, if left untreated, can rupture and be fatal. The multidisciplinary Aortic Disease Program...
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Welcome breast surgeon, Dr. Kelly Hewitt
Meet our new endocrine surgeon, Jessica McMullin, MD, MS
What's next for Dr. Poretta?
What's next for Dr. Jayaraman?
What's next for Dr. Hyngstrom?
What's next for Dr. Martin?
What's next for Dr. Chen?
What's next for Dr. Barker?
Learn more about Dr. Le
Learn about our new surgeon, Larissa Epstein, MD, MBA
Catch up with alumni D Millar, MD
Catch up with alumna Kate Smiley, MD.
Catch up with Layton "Bing" Rikkers as he explores life after being a surgeon.
Catch up with General Surgery resident alumni Steven Fass, MD
Catching up with Carolyn Luppens, MD, General Surgery alumna.
Welcome our new vascular surgeon, Dr. Lorena De Marco Garcia
Welcome Laura Wong, Md, PhD, plastic and reconstructive surgeon
Welcome Erin Anstadt, MD, pediatric and adult plastic surgeon
Welcome new vascular surgeon, Christopher Audu, MD, PhD
Welcome Dr. Nathan Droz, Vascular Surgeon
Welcome Dr. Shaun Mendenhall, MD, pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
Welcome Dr. Chelsea Harris, MD, MS, plastic and reconstructive surgeon
Archives by Year